Privacy Policy

LEAD is committed to protecting your privacy and security. From time to time we may invite you to supply personal information in order for us to provide you with services (such as access to subscriber-only services and email newsletters).

In order to deliver such services, we will need to process and store your personal information and may need to transfer it to the relevant partner(s), to affiliates of LEAD for processing both inside and outside the European Economic Area (EEA). By submitting your personal information, you consent to such processing and transfers in connection with such orders, offers or services and for any other purposes to which you consent at the time you provide the information or as provided in this privacy policy.

1. What information does LEAD hold about you and how is it collected?

If you register on LEAD, your personal information (including your name, job title, company’s name, telephone, fax and mobile numbers, postal and email address) is collected by LEAD. We also collect personal information from you when you contact us (by email or otherwise).

In common with many other on-line services, if you have registered on the LEAD website, we may use “cookies” to store and sometimes track information about you, but only on an anonymous basis. A cookie is a small amount of data sent from the server which is stored on your PC’s hard drive. You can set your browser to refuse cookies or ask your browser to show you where cookies have been set up. Certain services are only activated by the presence of a cookie and, if you choose to reject the cookie, a particular on-line feature may not be available to you.

2. What we do with your personal information?

All of the personal information described above will be stored on LEAD user database (unless you notify us that you no longer wish us to retain such information, in which case it will be deleted).

LEAD will only use your personal information in order to contact you (for example by email, mail or telephone) for those purposes to which you have previously consented on the site.

If you do not wish to receive our newsletter, please tick the relevant box on the registration form when you register on our website. You may cancel your subscription to our newsletter at any time by clicking on the link at the foot of any edition of the newsletter.

LEAD will also use the information which you provide in aggregate form (i.e. so that no individual users are identifiable) to determine demographic profiles and browsing patterns in order to:

– Develop marketing profiles and assist strategic development
– Manage LEAD’s relationship with its sponsors and advertisers
– Enable site audits to be performed
– Enable LEAD to review, develop and improve the services which it offers

3. To whom is your personal information disclosed?

LEAD will share your personal information with the other members of its group and (provided that you have not ticked the opt-out box on the registration form) will make your name and postal address available to reputable third parties so that they can send you details of their products and services.

In supplying LEAD with your personal information, you agree that LEAD may transfer that information (to the extent that it is still held on our database at the relevant time) to a third party who acquires all or substantially all or LEAD’s assets or stock or our website services whether by merger, acquisition, reorganisation or otherwise. LEAD will not otherwise disclose your personal information to any third parties.

4. Transfers of personal information overseas

As the internet is a global environment, using the internet to collect and process personal information necessarily involves the transmission of that information worldwide. LEAD will also share your personal information with members of its group which are located overseas. By registering on the LEAD site and communicating with us, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of your personal information in this way.

5. When does this Privacy Policy not apply?

This Privacy Policy only applies to the collection and use of data by LEAD. It does not cover third party sites to which we provide links. Those sites may have their own privacy policies.

If you send to us contributions containing personal information to be posted on the LEAD site, this information will be publicly accessible and is not covered by this Privacy Policy.

6. How do we protect your information?

LEAD is committed to data security. If you subscribe to access our premium content (and, accordingly, enter payment details), LEAD offers the use of a secure server. The secure server software encrypts all information which you input before it is sent to LEAD. LEAD takes steps to guard against unauthorised access to the personal information of the users of its site. Although it makes every effort to create a secure environment for your personal information, LEAD cannot guarantee the safety of any personal information which is transmitted to us on-line.

7. Contacting Us

If you have any questions or concerns about LEAD’s use of your personal information, please email at info (at) leadmag (dot)